Southern Adder (Bitis armata)

Previous names

– Vipera armata – Smith 1826

– Vipera atropiodes – Smith 1846

– Bitis atropiodes – Branch 1997

– Bitis armata – Branch 1997

Etymology – armata refers to an army or military group and probably was used in reference to the Cape Colony army base where Sir Andrew Smith collected the first animals in the 1820s.

Holotype – Sir Andrew Smith designated no type material for this species. The late Professor Bill Branch therefore designated a neotype (PEMR 6796) in 1999, collected from De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa.

Species history

In 1826, Sir Andrew Smith collected a number of reptiles and other animals from around the Cape region of South Africa. In his collection was a small Adder he called Vipera armata. In 1846 Smith includes in his “Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa: Reptilia” (Smith 1838-1849) a Dwarf Adder he calls Vipera (Echidna) atropiodes. He makes no further mention of Vipera armata and probably assumed his previous dwarf Bitis find was merely Bitis cornuta – the Many-horned Adder. Based on zoological nomenclature (naming system), armata is therefore considered the first name given to the species and is now considered the correct species name.
Some of the earlier field guides depict distribution maps showing Bitis cornuta to occur east of Cape Town – this however is either a misidentification or is based on Smith’s confusion of his 1826 Bitis discovery. 

Bitis armata
Bitis armata

Description – A small Bitis, the largest record is around 42 cm, though may reach 55cm in captivity. Base colour is typically ash-grey, sometimes with a pinkish undertone, with 2 rows of approximately 22 semi-circular saddles which extend from the back of the head to the tail. These saddles may be brown to orange in colour. These saddles may or may not be flanked by smaller semi-circles. On the head is a disjointed arrow-head often split down the center. With a range of 115-128 this species has the lowest ventral count of all the cornuta-inornata complex.

Above each eye is a small tuft of raised scales. Cheeks are a diffused black or grey color with a cream coloured vertical stripe either side of the eye.

Listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN.

Natural habits – A cryptic species found in coastal fynbos usually between sea level and 300 meters elevation. It is found tucked under bushes and has even been observed basking in bushes over a meter off the ground.

Venom – Nothing is known of the venom of this species as no bites have been recorded. It is expected to be similar to typical dwarf Bitis, having largely cytotoxic properties with swelling, blistering and potentially tissue damage, but may have some slight neurotoxic symptoms such as disorientation, confusion and nausea.

Bitis armata - Southern Cape
Bitis armata - Southern Cape
Bitis armata - Southern Cape
Bitis armata - Southern Cape