Albany Adder (Bitis albanica)
Holotype Lectotype – PEM R8279 (AM 6860) collected by W. Pannell near Committees, east of Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Etymology – albanica refers to the Albany region of the Eastern Cape where it was first collected.
Natural History – The Albany Adder was described by John Hewitt, curator of the Albany Museum in Eastern Cape of South Africa. He described the species from four specimens brought into the museum by farmers around Grahamstown. His description is short paragraph in the “A guide to vertebrates of the Eastern Cape” where he defines the features for Bitis cornuta albanica. This was considered an eastern race of the Many-horned Adder (Bitis cornuta) and was originally described from the Algoa Bay region of the Eastern Cape. Later Vivian FitzSimons included small patterned Bitis from the Komsberg, Western Cape, as part of this same subspecies, increasing the range from the Western Cape to the Eastern Cape. It was not until 1997, when Professor William (Bill) Branch elevated Hewitt’s subspecies to full species status – Bitis albanica – and described the Komsberg Bitis as a Red Adder (Bitis rubida), that the distribution was reduced back to the Algoa Bay region of the Eastern Cape.
Since then, around twenty Albany Adders have been found and none from the type locality, suggesting it may be extinct around Grahamstown and now only restricted to a tiny range in the Algoa Bay area. Unfortunately, the Algoa Bay region is quickly becoming very industrial, with mining, agriculture and factories becoming more popular as the harbour and port increase in size to sustain the nearby city of Port Elizabeth. Due to this the Albany Adder was listed by the IUCN as endangered. The Endangered Wildlife Trust and the Rainforest Foundation have set up projects to monitor the species and attempt to conserve pockets of suitable habitat.
To complicate matters more, there is talk that the genetics of the species is poor and may not be dissimilar enough to warrant species status, theoretically being lumped with the Red Adder (Bitis rubida) eventually.
Description – A small Bitis, the largest record is under 33cm.
Similar in colour and pattern to Bitis cornuta, though Bitis albanica have longer saddles resulting in a much lower saddle count, and reduced tufts above each eye. The top of the head has a blunt arrowhead flanked by a thick grey border on each side. Cheeks black with a cream coloured vertical stripe either side of the eye.
Base colour is usually sandy brown or grey. Dorsal patterning is made up of an average of 16 rows of black rhomboid shapes flanking the spine, these usually have a white or grey stripe below and rarely have yellow/gold edging. Typically these snakes present in a washed out ash-grey colour.
Natural habits – A cryptic species found in thick bush (Albany Thicket biome) and scrubland. It shelters under rocks and bushes and appears to be active on overcast days or at dusk and dawn (crepuscular). It is found under 300 elevation and historically would have been almost sympatric with Berg Adders (Bitis atropos). It is an ambush hunter, as all Bitis are, probably feeding on a range of lizards and small rodents.
Reproduction – Mating occurs in late winter/early Spring with up to 7 babies born in summer. Babies measure 125mm.
Venom – Nothing is known of the venom of this species as no bites have been recorded. It is expected to be similar to typical dwarf Bitis, having largely cytotoxic properties with swelling, blistering and potentially tissue damage, but may have some slight neurotoxic symptoms such as disorientation, confusion and nausea. Not expected to be life-threatening